Week 1: Critiquing Maps on the Internet
Here are some bad maps I found online and how to avoid the mistakes made: Tiffany's Cardinal Rule #1: Slight displacement is ok if it is absolutely necessary but completely rearranging geographic locations is unacceptable! A Swiss airline company created this map and apparently the map creator
was not very familiar with American cities, huh?
Cardinal Rule #2: Don't overload a map with information or it may just confuse the user. Whoa! Can you say too much information? I am still unsure whether this is a transit system map or a taxi route map for Hamburg, Germany; either way, it is probably designed to help people get around town and I can't see this map being very useful. When creating a map, you should ALWAYS consider your audience. Who exactly will be using this? How familiar are they with the focus area? Since transit maps are generally used by tourists and travelers, it is fairly safe to assume that they know little to nothing about the area. Therefore, I think it is vital to make a transit map easy to understand for even the most elementary user. This map is really intimidating due to the amount of information contained and I think it would be of better use if it were split into a few separate maps. Cardinal Rule #3: Always properly label your maps. <--Enlarged LegendAs shocking as it is to believe, this is supposed to be a complete map. The site on which I found this had no additional title or information of any kind. First of all, there is no actual title to describe what kind of information the map is attempting to display. Judging by the legend title, it appears the cartographer behind this was trying to map out urban and rural areas, but it is hard to tell how the data was calculated: via population density per county? or perhaps the percentage of area that is urbanized? Although the legend should help clarify things, there are several acronyms that are not defined anywhere. Should the audience have prior knowledge of what CMA and MIZ stand for? Finally, the inset maps are randomly placed and there is no connection between the detailed maps and the inset boxes on the main map. In fact, it takes a while to realize that the detailed boxes are part of the main map and not islands or other provinces that the cartographer wanted to include. I had to search high and low, but I was finally able to find some examples of good maps and tips on how to create them:
Tiffany's Cardinal Rule #4: Choose a good color scheme and classification method and the map will speak for itself.
In my opinion, this is an excellent map. It has a clear, concise title that allows any literate user to understand what data is being displayed. The cartographer also chose a suitable color scheme for the data. Because this map is displaying precipitation values, blue is used to represent areas with lots of rainfall (water is often associated with blue even though it is colorless) while red represents dry areas (red is typically associated with heat). With this type of symbology, it is almost possible to ignore the values in the legend and assume that blue areas are wet and red areas are dry. I also like the classification method the creator of this map chose. Each hue is easily distinguished from the next, making the rainfall trends very noticeable throughout the country. Cardinal Rule #5: By using simple color and size symbologies in a map, multiple messages can be sent at one time.
This map does a great job of showing how a single map can effectively communicate mutiple messages. First of all, the focus of the map displays which countries have the most oil worldwide based on their relative size (Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries stand out). Secondly, with a quick view of the legend, the user should be able to effortlessly understand which countries are the main oil consumers. While some mapmakers have a hard time communicating one message, such as the previous map of Canada's urbanization, this map is clear and to the point. Although I could critique this map for its political biases, I think it is very effective in telling a story without excessive text or explanations. Cardinal Rule #6: A map is a package deal and all elements must be properly utilized and placed to make the perfect map.
I consider this to be the best map I found on the internet because it has all the elements necessary to make a good map. It has a clear title, legend, north arrow, and scale, all of which are crucial to creating a good map. It also has a reference map to show the user where China is located if they didn't already know (lots of cartographers leave this out, but I happen to prefer to include them). Finally, this map contains something that too many cartographers omit: their data source. In my opinion, maps should never be distributed without the data source noted because then there is no way to verify the authenticity of the map. Without a data source, it is entirely too easy to skew data for the creator's purposes. I also found the general layout of this map to be well done. The focus of this map is China and notice how your eye is automatically drawn to the focus map. The creator chose colors that are easily differentiated and the legend is extremely easy to read. Overall, this map is very pleasing to the eye as it has striking colors and is well-balanced on the page. My only critique of this map is that some white space should have been removed so that the focus map could have been enlarged. |
Week 2:reMapping the Metro
Official Metro Map My New and Improved Rail Map This week's map is my attempt to improve the official rail map provided by the Los Angeles
Metropolitan Transit Authority (the reader should note that this map is not of the entire L.A.
Metro system; it only displays the routes of the Metro rail and transitway).
Week 3: Making a Better Map: Classification and Animation
Classifications Different classifications of the same data can completely alter the message a map delivers: Natural Breaks Classification A natural breaks classification is often considered the best type of classification system as it lumps objects together that are more similar than they are different. This provides a relatively unbiased map because it is the natural trends of the data that decides where the breaks in classes will be. As you can see in this map, the population density of California's counties vary a lot, with San Francisco County being an outlier. A benefit of the natural breaks system is that the outlier is placed into its own class, which reduces the risk of it being associated with other counties with densities that are dramatically different. Quantile ClassificationIn contrast to the natural breaks classification, a quantile classification places the same number of objects in each class, thereby creating classes that have very dissimilar objects within them. For example, the most densely populated class in the quantile classification map contains counties with densities from 457-16,640 people per square mile. Obviously, these counties are not very similar in terms of density and a user could easily misinterpret the data. It appears that each county in the darkest class is highly populated, but this isn't really the case; they are actually just the 11 most densely populated out of the 58 counties. But there is an advantage to this classification, which is that temporal data can easily be compared. If someone wanted to find the 11 most densely populated counties and how they has changed over time, the quantile classification would be perfect because the same number of counties would be in each class for each dataset. This type of analysis would not be possible using natural breaks, because the breaks would change for each dataset and the classes would not be consistent. Equal Interval ClassificationAn equal interval classification creates classes by dividing the range of the dataset by the number of preferred classes. This classification method also lumps very dissimilar objects together, creating a map that can easily be misread. This particular map makes California look like it is very sparsely populated, with the exception of San Francisco County, which is far from the truth. It seems to me that this grouping method would be quite effective in creating maps that send a biased message or appear to distort the truth. The advantage of equal interval data is that it is easiest to create without using a GIS of some sort, but I don't really see this as an advantage anymore considering how easy it is to make maps on computers nowadays. Manual ClassificationAs the name implies, the groups of a manual classification are defined specifically by the cartographer (in this case, me!), so there tends to be a whole lot of creator bias in the classification. I like to call this map "Don't move to California". I manually defined the class breaks so that it appears that nearly every county in California is densely populated. If I were a developer in Oregon, I might use this map to persuade people not to move to California because it is so crowded, but to move to Oregon instead. This type of classification is perfect for creating propoganda maps that display actual data but display it in such a way that the message it sends is totally distorted. However, manually classified maps are not always severely biased and have the advantage that slight adjustments can be made easily. For instance, in my quantile classification, the least dense class has values between 2-19 and the next most dense has values of 20-59. To make the legend appear cleaner, a map-maker may want to change the classes to 2-20 and 21-60. This type of manual classification would only slightly adjust the class distribution and would not result in an overly biased map. Animations My California Population Density Animation This animation displays the progression of population density in California's counties for the years 1970, 1980, 1990, and 2000. I chose to perform a manual classification to ensure that the values of the classes remained the same throughout the time period. I didn't want my class breaks to be arbitrary though, so I came up with a method to calculate the breaks. Because I usually prefer a natural breaks classification, I wanted to base the breaks on that somehow. So, using ArcGIS, I classified each year's data with natural breaks and 5 classes. Then, I found the average of each class break and used that value. Although this isn't a true natural breaks classification, it is the closest thing I could come up with for temporal data. This animation clearly shows how California's population density has increased since 1970; in fact, there isn't a single county that has had a decrease in population density! The growth is obvious in both Northern and Southern California, especially in the Los Angeles county region and the San Francisco Bay area. While some of the more densely populated counties don't change much, you can see growth in surrounding counties as a result of suburban sprawl. For instance, in 1980, Orange County was pretty dense while Riverside County was in the least dense class. By 1990, Orange County moved to the most densely populated class and Riverside County also moved up in density. This population spread inland is noticeable in Northern California too and is probably a response to overcrowding and cheaper home prices in these inland counties. |
Week 4: Working with Color: Qualitative Thematic Mapping
Click to see this map in PDF format Our assignment this week was to create 3 maps displaying the same data in different
color palettes. One was to be multi-color, the second two-hue, and the third in a grayscale
palette. This exercise is useful because there are often color issues in regards to maps,
especially when it comes to printing and publications, so it is important to know how to
adjust your data to meet the needs of a client or whomever you may be making a map for.
Week 5: Introduction to Cybercartography: Building a Google Map Mash-up
This mash-up map displays the locations of vegan and vegetarian restaurants in the Los Angeles area. I basically found the address of each restaurant and then found its latitude/longitude coordinates using www.batchgeocode.com/lookup/ and then replaced the coordinates of the capital cities with those of the restaurants. I also modified some of the code so that it is more relevant to my particular map. I changed the "Go to" command to "Where to eat?" and the "Find city" dropdown selection to "Select a restaurant". Since my target audience is a potential diner, I wanted the information displayed in the pop-up window to help decide where to eat and how to get there. So, I added the address of the restaurant and whether it is a vegan or vegetarian menu. Finally, I changed the focus of the map to be on Los Angeles and zoomed the map in because I only chose to display local veggie restaurants. |
Week 6: My Final Project
Just click a surfer icon to see maps I've made of all my favorite surf spots around the world!
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